RumenWorks Nutrition
Sheep Enhancer Concentrate Plus Probiotic
The RumenWorks Sheep Enhancer Concentrate Plus Probiotic has been designed to help minimise the risk of grain poisoning when feeding cereal grain to sheep.
- Provides a more cost effective option to larger scale bunk feeding systems
- Multifaceted approach to reducing the risks and effects of acidosis
- May reduce the risk of coccidiosis in weaners
- Provides a balanced nutritional profile to assist lambs to achieve their genetic potential
Reach out to livestock nutritionist Ross Gibson on 0447 971 836 for more information about our range of products.
Product Details:
Feeding any cereal grain to sheep will cause an increase in the production of lactic acid within the rumen. This lactic acid is the cause of “grain poisoning”. The production of lactic acid at best, has a negative impact on the animal’s efficiency, and at worst will cause death.
Reducing the impact that this lactic acid has on the animal will improve the production outcome. The RumenWorks Nutrition Sheep Enhancer Concentrate Plus Probiotic has been designed to help manage the risks that lactic acid poses.
One of the best ways to minimise the risk of lactic acid is to neutralise it after it has been produced. This neutralising effect is known as buffering. Many naturally occurring compounds can be used to “buffer” this acid.
The RumenWorks Nutrition Sheep Enhancer Concentrate Plus Probiotic contains a complex of several compounds which all have different buffering characteristics. This complex of compounds allows for a broader spectrum of buffering.
Nutritional Information:
When feeding lambs in a feedlot situation it is critical to have the diet formulated in a balanced manner. RumenWorks Nutrition Sheep Enhancer Concentrate Plus Probiotic includes all the essential macro and micro minerals required to help balance the ration to maximise feed efficiency and growth rates.
Consumption Rate and Directions:
RumenWorks Nutrition Sheep Enhancer Concentrate Plus Probiotic is designed to be included into cereal grain diets at a rate of 2.5% of 25kgs per tonne of total mixed feed (1 bag). It is important to ensure that the concentrate is mixed thoroughly throughout the total mixed ration (TMR).
Withholding Periods:
- Nil
Vista Cell Patented Probiotic:
Vista Cell marketed exclusively by RumenWorks Nutrition Pty Ltd in Australia is a unique patented Strain of Sacchromedes Crevasiae. This is the only sheep grain assist product on the market to include a probiotic which brings you the benefits of improved daily weight gain and improved feed conversion rates through more efficient rumen function.
Trialled, tested and validated:
Click here to view our Sheep Enhancer Concentrate Plus Probiotic trials and results.
A study completed in November 2016 at the University of New England (Armidale) highlights the unique benefits of the RumenWorks Sheep Grain Assist Pellet with Probiotic with the patented Vista Cell Probiotic.
Average Daily Gain
Feed Conversion Rate
The Bottom Line the RumenWorks Sheep Grain Assist Additive Pellet with Probiotic:
- 262% Increase in Average Daily Gain
- 42.6% Less Feed to Produce the Same Amount of Lamb
What our clients are saying
We run 200 Autumn calving Angus cows with the on-set of cold and frost. The feed stifles in the Upper Murray so we are always pushed with grass tetany. With the use of RumenWorks Green Feed Lick we minimised the losses and found that the cows would milk better in the conditions and the calves did not have a set-back during the colder months.
We have been using RumenWorks’ sheep products for 5 years now, including Green Feed Lick, Grain Assist Pellet and Performance Plus Pellet. The technical input and support provided by Ross and his team is highly valuable. The Grain Assist pellet has become a permanent inclusion into our program. We use it in combination with oats and barley to imprint feeding in lambs leading into weaning and then to set up gut health for life in lambs in the immediate post-weaning period. As a result of implementing this weaning program, the growth rates and overall animal health of our weaners has improved considerably. Amelie Poll Dorsets strongly recommends Rumenworks Animal Nutrition, with their range of products and technical service.
There is no doubt our lambs benefit with extra weight gains using RumenWorks Bloat Feed Lick. We find using the RumenWorks product helps us get our lambs to market that couple of weeks quicker, which can make a big difference at the end of the lamb season.
We have been using RumenWorks products for two years and have been impressed with the improvement in our calves when we wean and the health and high reproductive health of our cows. Ross Gibson has been so helpful with his advice and support of our enterprise, which has endured many varied weather anomalies during this time. We cannot thank him enough and look forward to continuing to work with him in the future.
This is the best lamb marking we have ever had with 178% marked. We had fewer ewes to pull, and we had even fewer poddy lambs to raise. We attribute this great result to constant use of RumenWorks Green Feed Lick, RumenWorks Pre Joining Lick and RumenWorks Pre Lambing Lick. We also believe the constant supply of a small amount of grain with RumenWorks Sheep Grain Assist Pellet in feeders and rough hay has been worthwhile. All this goes to help us get the best out of our good pastures.
Our Autumn drop lambs that go to the domestic market have a target weight of 50-52kgs, then the winter drop lambs go to export with a target weight of 65-70kgs. Once you understand how the gut works and how important micronutrients are it makes a big difference to how you feed your lambs. Having the mineral component of the diet correct using RumenWorks Green Feed Lick or Sheep Grain Assist Pellets can mean the difference of a conversion of 5 to 1 verses 8 to 1. What we really like about the RumenWorks Green Feed Lick is that it is quite incredible how the animal will decide if it’s required or not. You can go for a month and the usage of the lick can be minimal then you have a change of weather or paddock conditions and they just go for it because they actually need it.
Investing in the feed mixer and nutrition advice has paid off in increased weight gains, as well as business resilience. With Ross’s help we feel confident for the future, because another drought is bound to happen. Heifers are also on a RumenWorks lick to help get them up to breeding weight, about 310kg, and they have access to a RumenWorks lick at calving. We believe that helps them recover from calving and get back into calf down the track. We’re constantly changing the ration with Ross Gibson’s recommendations, to keep the cows in good condition.
Making nutrition a priority at an early stage and focusing on high quality genetics, means our cattle are thriving, despite poor seasonal conditions over the past five years. The key to achieving that quick growth is nutrition, and by using an automatic feed mixer, along with recommendations from livestock nutritionist Ross Gibson. Using a ration of rolled wheat or barley, soybean meal and hay, along with a RumenWorks supplement in a long trough has allowed us to finish cattle despite the drought. The higher level of nutrition begins at weaning. We yard wean for at least a fortnight onto grain and the rumen lick, which gets their rumen working, and those cows rumen will be fully developed to set them up for the rest of their lives, so they should be able to adapt a lot quicker to changing conditions.
We put RumenWorks Pre-Lambing Joining Lick out 6 weeks prior to lambing and leave out for 3 weeks into lambing. We have a big improvement in reduced birthing losses and pregnancy toxemia in the ewes, and increased lamb survival. This is a product I would not be without.